Good day today. Went skiing with a good friend, and made two new things I have never done before and they turned out great! Today will share the coleslaw because it was simple, and I am tired! I hate mayonnaise very much, but I love cabbage very much. So I made a mayo-less coleslaw to go with my pulled pork. I shredding plain cabbage, red cabbage and added julienne carrots and thin sliced some red pepper. I soaked them all in cold water for like 30 minutes and then thoroughly spun off the water and dried it with paper towels. Then I mixed together 1 part oil, 1 part apple cider vinegar, and 1 part sugar. I heated it on the stove till the sugar was dissolved, then I poured it on the cabbage like I would to a salad and tossed it, I also salted it. It was good. Hate mayo? love coleslaw? here ya go folks. Tomorrow I will talk pulled pork.
looking for something new tonight!! sounds wonderful!!
Why did you soak the veggies in cold water for half an hour? Sounds like some sort of gourmet trick to me!
Lisa Thomas
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